
The guiding ethos behind my approach is to provide "Therapeutic Synergy” - an integrated system of holistic therapies that work together to address the individual as a whole.

Why? Because the systems that make up a human being are designed to work together, synergistically and congruently towards a specific outcome. For real and pervasive change to happen, all the underlying dysfunctions and dis-ease within the human energy system as a whole, have to be addressed together.

The modalities I use, Energy Healing, Intuitive work, and Hypnotherapy, provide effective and tailored treatments for each patient. They work together to reveal and release the root(s) of imbalances in your overall energy system, and support you in your process towards health and wellbeing.


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My focus is on helping people heal, energise, and become aware of their inner self.  I always provide a safe, non-judgmental, and accepting space, where I listen to your concerns and customise a treatment plan. I work with English and French speaking clients, either in person or via Skype.

Healing sessions as well as Hypnotherapy sessions, usually last an hour and a half. This time is used to get to know you better, briefly explain the process, determine what issue or issues need to be addressed, and of course, the treatment itself, which brings about a deep sense of well being and understanding. 




The number of sessions needed, be it Energy Healing or Hypnotherapy will depend on the client’s situation. The aim is to bring resolution and release where needed, in a way that supports and empowers the individual in their healing process. Most issues require 3-6 sessions. However, the length of the treatment will depend on how complex the case, and how open and committed you are to the process.

Does Distance Healing Work?


Distance healing work is a new concept for many. Quantum theory is now just beginning to understand and explain what healers, shamans, and practitioners of holistic medicine have known for millennia.

1. Everything is energy. We are all made of energy, vibrating at different frequencies, creating different manifestations of life.

2. Everything is connected, and there is no such thing as distance. Energy is a bit like technology.

For example, you don’t have to be near a caller to talk on a cell phone, as cell phones use electromagnetic radio waves to connect with other cell phones. Similarly, healers can connect with a person’s energetic essence, to provide healing.

So does Distance Healing work? Yes, Distance Healing is equally effective as an in person healing. How? Because in alternative energy healing therapies, the practitioner is not working in the physical but rather with pure energy - accessing the individual’s energy body to work on their physical, emotional and mental aspects. The energy body can be accessed easily from anywhere and does not require you to be physically present.



It is imperative that a client trusts their therapist, and this foundation is central to the therapeutic process. Your identity, therapy, and all consultations are always completely confidential. Any notes made during or after a session, are stored securely and only accessed by me. My aim is to ensure that all aspects of the therapy remain private and confidential.  However, if conditions arise, whereby clients, or other persons connected to them, are at risk of harm, such as a planed suicide, it is my ethical duty to share this information with the relevant professionals, and to inform the client of said duty.

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Please read carefully: Energy Healing and Hypnotherapy are complementary therapies and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.