“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

energy Healing and how it works
Energy Healing is a metaphysical approach that has been used for centuries by various ancient cultures, who considered internal energy as a powerful force of good that can be used to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal. They placed emphasis on the inherent connections between the body, soul, and state of mind, and believed that illness results from energetic disturbances in these aspects of one’s being. This approach to health and healing has re-emerged over the past few decades, and radically reshaped our views regarding “ill-ness”.
When we talk about the human body, most of us limit its definition to the physical form that is visible to us. However, in reality, our human ‘body’ also has 7 non-physical bodies that we refer to as ‘energy bodies’; all of which interrelate to one another and coexist in harmony. We call this our ‘energy system’. A disruption or imbalance between these bodies can lead to a number of health problems.
Energy Healing restores inner balance by aligning the body’s energy system. It does so by tapping into the one’s Energy Field (more commonly known as the Aura) to clear the energetic blockages in the various subtle bodies that make up our being. By clearing re-energising, and healing the energy system (and its many pathways), it stimulates the body's inherent ability to come back into balance and wellness.
Why Energy Healing?
When your energy field is flowing in a balanced way, your health and thoughts tend be positive. However, when any form of stress, trauma or pain is felt, it can impact body and disrupt the energy flow, which can be experienced as discomfort, distress or ill-health. This is inherently linked to our Chakra System and energy pathways. Imbalances or blockages can also be cause by our environment. From the energy of other people to that of your surroundings or conversations and emotional events, your energy field is in a constant state of movement and change. This continuous flux and permeability can eventually have an effect on the state your internal and external well being.