I am trained and certified in systems of Energy Healing that work on one’s being as a whole. It addresses physical and emotional symptoms, as well as states of mind. It is a form of Hands-on and Distance Healing, designed to clear, strengthen, and harmonise your body’s energy systems (subtle bodies, pathways, chakras, and so on).
The Energy Healing I provide is not just about making you feel better. It creates deep transformation by releasing conditioning held within. A web of conditioning, embedded within every level of our human energy system, causes all kinds of emotional issues, mental attitudes, and blockages, which ultimately generates weakness and physical disease.
As these layers of conditioning are identified and released, you are reconnected with your authentic self, and empowered to allow balance, health, and positive changes to arise in your life.
A typical session involves working to release physical symptoms (pain, tightness, discomfort), energetic blockages, emotional conditioning, and limiting patterns at their root level. The number of sessions needed, is determined case-by-case.